Friday, December 18, 2009


This week in class we discussed race we learned it's not a biological thing. Race is what we have created. We already know it's not biological, so what is it then? their skin color and the way that they look. When we see somone we label them right away without even getting to know them. It's not like only white people do this every race has their own opinion on another race. When we did that class activity and we had to look and their picture and guess what they were was kind of hard. We hardly got any right but this shows we cant judge somone by how they look because they might look like something but actually their something completely else. This actually happens to me in the summer i get really tan and people that i first meet ask me if i'm Hawaiian or Hispanic which i don't get cause im neither. i dont know why it would matter were they going to treat me differently if i said i was Hawaiian or Hispanic?

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