Wednesday, September 23, 2009

complex u

Well I wasn't in class to do this group activity but this sounds like an interesting topic. It's crazy how you can look at someone and they are completely different from what they look like. For example not many people know i'm 50% Japanese. This class activity is also saying you cant judge someone untill you get to know them and their backround. It's weird how the people you hang around with influence you so much. For example, I am part of a family,a team,a group of friends etc.. Theres always that one person your friends with and they also have a different group and you wouldn't think they belong to because they change who they are when their around you and when their around the other group. I think this is a cool activity cause you can learn new things about students.


  1. Johnny this is very true how people belong to many different groups. who is Japanese in your family?

  2. agreed.. were all part of a lot of different groups and act different toward every group
