Friday, January 8, 2010

Final Blog

Who am i? I am the same Johnny Watrach that is a junior at Stevenson that plays soccer. But this class has taught me to think differently about people. Before this class I would judge everyone and wouldn't care because if you didn't act the way my friends did it was pointless to get to know you. Now I realized that you actually have give that person a chance so you can get to know them because they might actually be really nice and can become your friend. Sociology has made me think differently in many positive ways. I learned if someone is struggling, if you help just a tiny bit it could change someone else life around and once they improve they will pass it on to help another person in need. One thing that caught my attention was the bullying topic. I never actually knew that kids were so depressed when they got picked on . i mean I've gotten picked on before from older kids and i brush it off. But there are some kids that get very upset and just want to let their life go. Ever since Reading an article on that i try not to pick on people even though i still do in a joking way, i know its still hurting their feelings in some way cause that person is thinking about what i said about them. This class was awesome and made me rethink on my goals and how i could make my life better not just for me but for the people around me.